Social Studies / Community Studies Lesson that asks students to draw a picture of each community and describe what specific things you can find in each community.
Responses should be somewhere along the lines of: Urban Communities have: big city buildings, lots of trains, buses, cars, people, etc. Rural Communities have: farms, animals, few people, lots of land, tractors, etc. Suburban Communities have: lots of houses, few big buildings, less people than urban communities, etc. Graphic Organizer: Urban, Rural and Suburban Communities by The Teacher Treasury, LLC. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work at
Rounding Numbers to the Tens and Hundreds Places by The Teacher Treasury, LLC. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. FREE BETWEEN 1/22/2014 - 9/12/2022
This former freebie is now available for purchase here and on
Product Details:
Word Work Game, 50+ pages, 3 Skill Levels and ink friendly options.
Categories Include: Actors Actresses Adjectives Animals Athletes Books Boy Names Cities Classroom Objects Countries Famous People Girl Names Household Objects Important Men in History Important Women in History Inventions Movies Music Artists Nouns Occupations People Places Songs States Things Verbs ______________________ Packet Includes: Directions Game Rules Answer Sheet Examples Scattergories (Level – More Challenging) Scattergories (Level – Challenging) Scattergories (Level – Less Challenging) Ink Friendly Scattergories (Level – More Challenging) Ink Friendly Scattergories (Level – Challenging) Ink Friendly Scattergories (Level – Less Challenging) Blank Scattergories Categories Ink Friendly Blank Scattergories Categories ______________________ This games is based on Scattergories by Hasbro. ______________________ All of my students loved this game! I used it as our routine activity between lessons for grades 2-5. Once students get the hang of it, one round game can take less than 5 minutes. Once a student yells "SCATTERGORIES", I would make everyone put their pencil down and that person would have to stand up and reveal their answers in each category to confirm their win. I would often reward winners with stickers, treats and small prizes. You can also use this game to spark dialogue within the classroom. Ask other students to confirm the people, places, songs, movies, books, authors, etc. mentioned by their classmates. If few students know very much about the given responses, it's a great opportunity for the student who selected that answer to teach his/her classmates about that particular person, place, object etc. Scattergories: Creative Word Work Game for Kids by The Teacher Treasury, LLC. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. This product is via Rachelle Rosenblit of Sweet Kindergarten "This pack includes a sweet little activity I did as part of my annual evaluation this year. After learning about 2D and 3D shapes, we build them using toothpicks and marshmallows! Each student was given a plate, toothpicks and marshmallows and allowed to let their creativity flow! This lesson allows students to think critically and covers several common core Geometry standards. I’ve also included some shape building cards that I used as needed with some of my struggling students who needed more support. The student can look at the shape first, then build it."
Each pair of cherries has 2 cherries. Skip count by 2s to find the sum. Students are asked to skip count by 2s up to groups of 10. For more advanced students, I recommend having them write a repeated addition and/or multiplication sentence to represent each question. 2 pages If you find this helpful, I would also recommend
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